Shining Night Serenade☆ (English translation)

SideM Mobage 2021/11/24 ~ 2021/11/30

Event Preview

Jupiter and Altessimo are to put on a live performance at a promotional event in Yokohama.
This time, it’ll be an outdoor event using a street piano.
They’ll also have the opportunity to enjoy some sightseeing in Yokohama the day before the performance.

Back at the office, Altessimo receives an explanation for the job they’ll be doing.
They’ll need one person to play the piano accompaniment, and Altessimo is told that either Tsuzuki or Hokuto will be asked to perform.
Meanwhile, Jupiter is told about the same stipulation.
Touma and Shouta want him to give it a try, but it seems Hokuto has reservations about answering right away…

A live performance rich in color, matching the vivid tone of the piano, is about to begin!
On a stage surrounded by the beautiful illumination lights, let’s create a wonderful concert that’s sure to warm the audience’s hearts!

Chapter 1

Kei: This is the work proposal for our next job. Ah, it’s a PR event in Yokohama.

Ah… Look at this photo, Rei-san. There’s a street piano.

Rei: Are we using this piano for the performance? It’ll be a bit nerve-wracking since we’ve never done anything like that before.

It says we’ll be choosing one person to play the piano accompaniment out of us and Jupiter.

Kei: Is the organizer hoping for myself or Hokuto-san?

It doesn’t matter to me either way, but perhaps it would be better if Hokuto-san accepted their offer.

Rei: What makes you say that?

Kei: Lately, I’ve felt the sound resonating off of him has changed.

Chapter 2

Touma: Just my opinion, but I definitely wanna see Hokuto playing the piano for this event.

Shouta: Exactly! Even Kei-san seems like he’s fine with Hokuto-kun doing it.

Hokuto: Haha, you flatter me. I do feel up to the challenge.

It would broaden the depths of Jupiter’s music and be a leap forward for us.

But… I want to think about it before I make a decision.

Would you two be alright with waiting a little before I give them an answer?

Shouta: Of course I’d be okay with that. You better think long and hard about it!

Touma: I want you to do it, but I don’t want you to push yourself either. The final call’s up to you!

But if you want any advice on anything, we’re all ears!

Shouta: If it’s for you, Hokuto-kun, I’ll give you all the help you need!

Hokuto: Thanks, you two. You’ll be the first to know once I’ve made my choice.

Chapter 3

Kei: Hmm? That person sitting on the bench over there… Yes, that’s definitely Hokuto-san.

Rei: He looks lost in thought… In any case, let’s go say hello.

Hokuto: If it isn’t Kagura-kun and Tsuzuki-san. If you two are together, that means you’re taking an after-meeting walk, right?

Rei: That’s right. You look like you were thinking pretty hard about something, Ijuuin-san…

Hokuto: …I have a friend who’s been worried about deciding to take on a challenge.

He’s feeling uneasy about it, and it seems like he’s finding it hard to take a step forward…

Rei: I see… And you were wondering what type of advice would be best to tell him.

Pardon me for my opinion… But one thing I’ve learned while working as an idol…

Is that there is always something to be gained even if you’ve made a mistake along the way.

So why not give it a try without worrying about failing? …How would that sound?

Kei: I think it would be a good idea to tell his two trusted friends what he’s going through, too.

Hokuto: …Thank you. I think my friend would appreciate that advice.

Rei: Huh? Tsuzuki-san, how did you know he had two friends he should talk to?

Kei: Hehe, just a guess, I suppose.

Chapter 4

Hokuto: Touma, Shouta. About the piano accompaniment for our next performance… Can we talk?

Touma & Shouta: Of course!

Hokuto: At this point in my life, I’ve already given up on a career as a pianist.

It’s not like I haven’t touched a piano at all since I was younger, but there are bound to be gaps in my skill.

I’ll do the best I possibly can, but I don’t know if I would be able to play on a professional level.

And I don’t know whether my right hand could withstand that long of a performance…

I might be an inconvenience for everyone. But if there are people who want to see me play…

And if it’s for the sake of broadening Jupiter’s horizons, I think I want to give it a try.

Would you two come along with me, even if I’m being selfish?

Touma: What’re you talking about? We’ve always gotten through all sorts of trouble as the three of us!

Gaps in skill? As far as I’ve seen, the best piano you’ve ever played is how you play right now!

Shouta: Aren’t you underestimating us a little too much, Hokuto-kun~?

We’ll back you up, no sweat, so feel free to put your everything into the piano♪

Hokuto: …Thank you. That’s the Jupiter way, isn’t it. I’m counting on your support.1

Chapter 5

Rei: Everyone’s arrived now. Let’s go sightseeing!

Hokuto: Before we do that, I wanted to say thanks again. I appreciate all of the advice everyone gave me.

Touma: I already told you, no worries. I barely even helped you that much.

Shouta: If you wanna pay me my consultation fee, I’d totally be okay with being treated to a tasty meal♪

Kei: Didn’t I tell you? So long as you have your two trusted companions, everything will work out.

Rei: …What!? Wait a minute, the friend Ijuuin-san told us about…

Ijuuin-san was the friend the entire time!?

Touma: Anyways, I’m all ready for the performance. But for now, let’s get our fill of Yokohama!

Hokuto: We’re all ready to visit the tourist attractions, too. Oh, that’s right. It won’t make up for the consultation fee, but…

At the very least, I’ll be your escort today.

Chapter 6

Touma: (Phew. It’s always right before the real deal that I end up feeling the most nervous.)

(Especially this time…)

(But it’ll be okay. Hokuto doesn’t look nervous in front of that piano at all. Actually…)

(He even looks a little happy. Just what I’d expect from Hokuto. He’s a pretty amazing guy.)

(…Gotta concentrate more on myself, though. It wouldn’t look very cool if I flubbed the first note. Focus, Touma, focus.)

Shouta: (I can feel Touma-kun’s concentration kicking in from over here. He’s getting into it~)

(I’m not gonna let Hokuto-kun and his piano be the only ones shining in the spotlight. I’m gonna do my best too!)

Hokuto: (It’s surprising, even to me, how calm and relaxed I feel…)

(It’s been a long time since I’ve looked forward to playing the piano this much.)

(The show’s about to start… Alright, here I go!)

Chapter 7

Kei: (Hokuto-san’s performance sounds more refined and delicate today than usual.)

(This is… The true sound of an unwavering Hokuto-san’s piano playing.)

(A tone this lovely is one in a million.)

(If I could, I’d listen to his performance forever, but…)

(We have to give the audience a great performance on our part as well.)

Rei: (His accompaniment is beautiful and so easy to sing along to…)

(It’s like nothing I’ve ever heard from him before, even during our practices and rehearsals.)

(There’s no doubt in my mind that today, Ijuuin-san…)

(No, Jupiter, as a unit, has stepped up to another level as idols.)

(But Altessimo won’t get left behind either. Isn’t that right, Tsuzuki-san?)

(As idols and former musicians, we have to take a step forward, too!)

Chapter 8

Hokuto: (Tons of reactions about our concert in Yokohama have made their way to the office…)

(It’s thanks to everyone’s hard work that the performance was a success. I’ll have to show my appreciation, especially to Touma and Shouta.)

(Those two adjusted the timing of their MC segments so that my hands had time to rest…)

Rei: Ijuuin-san? What a coincidence seeing you here again.2

Um… I wanted to thank you again for your work the other day. Your performance was truly stunning.

I could sense the emotions you had for the piano and your passionate will to move forward.

As a fellow idol and a former musician myself, I was moved from the bottom of my heart.

Hokuto: Thank you very much. As always, your singing struck a chord with me, too, Kagura-kun.

Rei: No, no, I’m nowhere near your level yet. But…

I can’t afford to lose. That strong sentiment was born from our concert.

I intend to continue doing my very best, as a fellow friend from the agency and as your rival.

Hokuto: Trust me, I’m not at my limit yet either. But I have to admit, I’m looking forward to seeing your progress, Kagura-kun.

(There might be a difference in skill in my piano playing from how I was back then and now, but…)

(Something else must be filling in those gaps.)

(I want those two to listen to the best performance I have to offer, not from how I was before, but as I am now.)

1 Hokuto’s literal line here is “俺たちはJupiterだったね/We’re Jupiter”. There could be multiple interpretations of this and how Hokuto thinks of the Jupiter relationship, in my opinion, so think of it what you will.

2 The story BG image shows the same bench that Hokuto was sitting on in Chapter 3.

【Lovely Night】 Hokuto Ijuuin

That dinner was delicious. Thank you for such a lovely time. I’ll take care of the reservations for this restaurant if we ever visit again, so let me treat you next time, okay?

Tonight’s concert has taken on a special meaning to me. Together with the friends I care about so much, Jupiter’s music will continue to grow and evolve.

【Serenade】 Kei Tsuzuki

I wonder, do the people crossing over to Japan from abroad get to see this wonderful scenery as well? I hope this view of the sea is special to them.

This is a melody that only Hokuto-san can spin. I can feel his strong will and determination. It’s an honor to be able to sing alongside such a beautiful tone.

【Serenade】 Shouta Mitarai

Woah! I can see so far away! Apparently, this observatory is 273 meters above ground. It really does feel great being so high up. Ah! I just saw my house from here! Juuust kidding♪

Hokuto-kun looks like he’s having so much fun while he’s playing the piano. But I know he actually feels nervous, so I guess I’ve gotta do my best to back him up. Well, that’s just what friends are for♪

【Solemn Air】 Rei Kagura

This place piqued my interest from seeing it in the guidebook, but I had no idea it was an archives museum. It’s quiet and comfortable here. I wonder if the atmosphere of Yokohama at the time was like this as well.

Ijuuin-san’s accompaniment is very easy to sing along with. It’s almost as if I can sense the feelings he holds for the piano and his enjoyment of the music. I can’t afford to lose, so I’ll sing out as well.

【Serenade】 Touma Amagase

So this is a monument commemorating the founding of the railway. Ain’t it the greatest having your achievements memorialized like that? Just like that, I’m gonna become an idol that people will remember for years to come!

We’re the ones who understand best how great Hokuto’s piano playing is. There’s nothing to worry about. I’ll show everyone some singing so cool that I won’t lose out to him either!

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