GROWING SIGN@L 02 C.FIRST Drama CD (English translation)

Yeah, 6th Live Tokyo converted me into full C.FIRST-Pism. I didn’t realize this was already translated until I was, like, 3/4 of the way done so I’m just finishing it and posting it anyways. I’ve been thinking about this CD ever since I first listened to it on release day so at the very least it was nice revisiting it as I typed everything out!

Drama part 1

Shu: Hah…

Staff: That’s a wrap, Amamine-san!

Shu: Right, thank you so much!
Thank you for your hard work today.

Staff: Good work today. Amamine-san, your vocals and expressiveness were impeccable! Your emotions came out perfectly through the song, it struck a chord with me! I’m surprised this is all coming from someone so new to the business.

Shu: You’re exaggerating. I’m sure it’s because this is just the easy stuff.

Staff: Give yourself some more credit! I was wondering what kind of person a newcomer like you would be, and you came into your first recording without even the slightest bit of nerves. It’s really incredible!

Shu: Thank you.

Staff: Man, I’m excited to see how Hanazono-san and Mayumi-san do with their recordings later, too! In any case, good job!

Shu: (Ah… I was so nervous… But that went even better than how my lessons went. Well, it’s only natural for someone like me.)

(The equipment in the booth was all top-of-the-line stuff. I have recording equipment at home, but those are completely different from the real deal. It’s exactly what I’d expect from professionals… It made my heart race just being there.)

(But I wonder why Producer didn’t come… Are they behind schedule? Where’s my phone…)

(Ah, I got a text. Hmm… It says they ran into some trouble and they’re still caught up with their last appointment. “I’ll come as soon as I’m finished here.” Will they make it before Eishin-senpai finishes his recording?)

(I guess I’ll at least let them know I’m finished with mine… With the added complaint that the next time we have a recording session, they better be here. It’s nice to build up a reputation with the staff, but I want to hear what Producer has to say about me, too.)

Momohito: Good morning!

Shu: Oh, Momohito-senpai. Good morning. You’re early.

Momohito: Mhmm. It’s my first time recording, so I thought I’d get here early to get ready, you know? …Huh? Where’s Piichan?

Shu: Looks like they’re still stuck at their last meeting.

Momohito: I see…

(I thought if I got here early, I’d get to be alone with Piichan… But I guess they can’t help it that work got in the way… I don’t want them to hate me if I told them I wanted something so selfish…)

Shu: (I’m alone with Momohito-senpai… He’s a little scary when he shuts down like that and I can’t figure out what he’s thinking… We’re both “famous student council presidents”, but it’s not like we can talk to each like that when we’re both idols now, too.)

Momohito: Um, Amamine-kun, how did your recording go?

Shu: It went perfectly, of course. I finished ahead of schedule.

Momohito: Wow! You’re good at everything, aren’t you, Amamine-kun? It’s impressive enough that you’re the student council president, even though you’re only a first-year.

Shu: You’re a student council president, too, though.

Momohito: But I’m already a second year. First-years have their hands full experiencing everything at school for the first time, but you’re going above and beyond by being an idol, too. It’s respectable.

Shu: You think so? …Thank you.

Momohito: Mhm.

Shu: (…I have no idea how to continue the conversation. It’s awkward…)

Staff: Excuse me, is Hanazono-san here?

Momohito: Ah, yes, I’m here.

Staff: The recording is about to start, if you could please get ready!

Momohito: Got it. That’s my cue.

Shu: Momohito-senpai! Do you mind if I come with you? We’re going to be members of the same unit, so I think I should take the chance to listen in.

Momohito: I don’t mind. I’m a little nervous now, though.

Shu: If you sing just like you would during your lessons, it’ll be fine. I’m excited to hear how it goes.

Shu: (Momohito-senpai said I made him nervous, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that at all with how he’s singing right now. Not to mention, he knows exactly which part of the song he needs to control his voice during to make his singing sound more delicate. It’s obvious that my vocals are at a high level, but if I slip up on my end, Momohito-senpai could come out on top. To think he had this in him…)

Staff: That was great, Hanazono-san!

Momohito: Really? Thank you!
Thanks for listening in, Amamine-kun.

Shu: Momohito-senpai, good work.

Momohito: How was I?

Shu: I thought you sounded great. Actually, I’m surprised. I didn’t expect you to be able to sing like that.

Momohito: Thanks. It comes and goes, though.

Shu: Nobody can sing like that just by chance. You’ve even got your expressions while singing figured out, and you have a good grasp on the foundations. At least, that’s the feeling I got from listening to you.

Momohito: Now that you mention it, I’ve gotten prizes for singing before. I can’t really remember when that was or what I got, though.

Shu: Huh? A prize for singing? If I remember right, when Producer scouted you, you were holding a trophy, too.

Momohito: Ahh… Yeah. I guess so.

Shu: I’ve heard people call you the “Prize Killer”… Looks like the rumors are true after all. Ah, it’s not like I doubted you or anything!

Momohito: Mhm.

Shu: Sorry, I got off-topic. In any case, you told me I was amazing, but I think you’re pretty amazing, too, Momohito-senpai. I think you should have more confidence in yourself.

Momohito: No way, you flatter me…
(Amamine-kun’s eyes are practically shining with honesty. It’s blinding…)

Eishin: Good morning.

Shu: Oh, Eishin-senpai. Good morning.

Momohito: Morning, Mayumi-kun.

Eishin: Have you two finished recording already?

Shu: Yes. Good timing on your part, Momohito-senpai just finished up with his.

Momohito: You’re up last, Mayumi-kun. Do your best.

Eishin: Of course. …There’s still some time before I enter the recording booth. This is basically the first time we’ve all spoken properly, so I’d like to introduce myself again.

Momohito: He’s right, we never really introduced ourselves, did we?

Eishin: Then, I’ll start. Eishin Mayumi. A third-year in high school. I’m the student council president… But I suppose that’s the case for all of us. My hobby is film appreciation and my skills include piloting a jet ski.

Momohito: A jet ski?! That means you have a license for it, right?

Eishin: That’s right. You can get one once you turn sixteen.

Shu: That’s awesome…! Your parents are famous actors and you’ve already got a professional-grade profile yourself.

Eishin: Really?

Shu: And he has absolutely no self-awareness…

Momohito: Hehe, you’re really interesting, Mayumi-kun.

Eishin: Mm.

Momohito: Okay, I’ll go next. I’m Momohito Hanazono, a second-year. My hobbies… I guess I don’t really have any. And for my skills… Umm… Ah, I’m good at making a lot of friends!

Eishin: Your demeanor is gentle, so I’m sure it’s easy to talk to you.

Shu: You do seem like the type of guy who’s always surrounded by people.

Momohito: You’re too kind. Last up is Amamine-kun. Whenever you’re ready.

Shu: I’m Shu Amamine. I’m a first-year high schooler. My interests are music and anime. I like being online, too. A better way to put it is I like to gather info on social media. My skill is playing different games with both of my hands simultaneously.

Eishin: Oh? Very dexterous.

Momohito: That’s so cool!

Shu: It’s not that big of a deal, really.

Momohito: It is, though! I don’t think I’d be able to use my left and right hand at the same time like that.

Eishin: Me neither.

Shu: Thanks.
……Um, looks like Eishin-senpai’s recording still isn’t for a little bit.

Momohito: Guess so.

Eishin: The staff still has a lot to set up.
…We might as well do what the kids do and exchange our contact info.

Shu: Man, don’t say it like that…

Momohito: That’s right, we haven’t done that yet!

Shu: Momohito-senpai, you’re just gonna act like that was normal…

Momohito: Hehe. Here, you can add me.

Eishin: Here’s mine.

Shu: Thanks. I’ll send you two a message later.

Momohito: I’ll look forward to it.
(Mayumi-kun is easier to talk to than I thought he’d be! I want to be his friend…)

Staff: Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we start your recording soon, Mayumi-san?

Eishin: Yes. Nice to meet you, I’m Eishin Mayumi. I’ll be in your care today.

Staff: It’s nice to meet you, too. Let’s have a great recording session.

Eishin: Well then, I’m off.

Shu & Momohito: Good luck. / Have fun in there!

Shu: I’m staying to listen to Eishin-senpai. What about you, Momohito-senpai?

Momohito: I guess I’ll stay and listen, too.

Staff: Are you all set in there, Mayumi-san?

Eishin: I’m ready.

Staff: Let’s start, then.

Shu: (Woah…! I was nervous when it was my time to record, but Eishin-senpai came into his with complete confidence. He’s so cool.)

Momohito: Mayumi-kun is amazing!

Shu: Yeah.
(Momohito-senpai’s delicate voice and Eishin-senpai’s strong voice. I wonder what would happen if you combined them with my singing… No, I don’t even have to think for a second about the answer to that. It’d be the best, for sure. The three of us together have the power to change the world!)

Drama part 2

Shu: Homeroom’s finally over… Student council isn’t meeting today, so I guess I’ll go ahead and head to the office.

Student 1: Hey… That guy skipped school again today.

Shu: Huh?

Student 2: “That guy”? You mean the guy who’s buddies with Amamine? You’re right, I haven’t seen him here in ages. I wonder what happened…

Student 1: No idea. It’s not like the teachers have said anything about it…

Shu: …
(…It’s all my fault that he hasn’t shown up to class.)

Shu: (We both excelled in academics and athletics, and it took no time at all for us to think of each other as best friends. He was the reason I started making music in the first place. It was because of him that my world became wider. He would be the first person to listen to the songs I made, he would tell me his thoughts on it, and when I brushed up my compositions based on his advice, we were able to make the greatest music together. We could even change the world if it was the two of us. That’s really what I thought.)

(At some point, a gap formed between us, and it just kept getting bigger and bigger. He disappeared from right before my very eyes. I was supposed to be the one closest to him, but I couldn’t even tell he was suffering.)

I’ll chase after him.

(That’s why… This time, I’ll change the world to save him.)

Shu: Good mor—Hm?

Eishin: Momohito, what are you writing?

Momohito: Oh, this? It’s…

Eishin: This is for our magazine interview… I see. You’ve put a lot of thought already into preparing these answers.

Momohito: Mhm.

Shu: …Good morning.

Eishin: Good morning.

Momohito: Morning, Amamine-kun.

Shu: What were you guys talking about? I heard a little bit of it, but…

Momohito: Umm… We’re being interviewed for our new song’s release, right? They gave us the forms that say what questions they’re going to ask, so I was just checking them out.

Shu: …! Did you write all of these answers, Momohito-senpai? You sure wrote a lot! Even though they only just gave us the questions. 

Eishin: I’d only glanced at the questions myself, but I haven’t had the chance to think as deeply about my responses as Momohito has.

Shu: Me neither. There’s still some time before the actual interview and I want to get a feel of things the day of, so I haven’t thought that far yet.

Momohito: I don’t think I’d be any good at coming up with answers on the spot.

(I’m not like the two of you… I don’t have the skills for it, so if I don’t prepare at least this much, I’ll just end up failing… If that happens, Piichan might find out that I’m really just a worthless, good-for-nothing person.)

Shu: That’s really admirable, Momohito-senpai.

Momohito: What?

Shu: I think you’d have been fine even without doing all this work. You’ve spoken in front of students during assemblies before, right? You’ve had a lot of chances to talk to teachers and adults, I thought maybe you were used to that sort of stuff.

Momohito: That’s… Mm.

Eishin: And you said before you had a lot of friends. I was also under the impression that speaking came easy to you. But I guess if you prepare your answers like this, the interview will go smoother.

Shu: We could learn a lot from Momohito-senpai. Let’s think of our answers, too.

Eishin: Yeah, let’s do it.

Momohito: …

Eishin: What’s wrong, Momohito?

Momohito: …Ah! It’s nothing, really. Okay then, let’s see what we can come up with together.

Shu: The first question is… “What are your hobbies and talents?” Some basic stuff.

Eishin: We’ve just debuted, so there’s a lot that people don’t know about us yet. First off, let’s make sure we’re careful with how we introduce ourselves.

Momohito: Hehe, I think the interviewer’s going to have the surprise of their life when they hear what Mayumi-kun’s special skill is.

Shu: Seriously!

Eishin: I don’t know about that, but I think we should say things that would get them interested in us regardless.

Momohito: I guess even a single phrase could completely change people’s opinions of us.

Shu: The next question is… Oh! It’s about our new song.

Eishin: “‘I can go anywhere, as long as you’re with me,‘ ‘I want to see your carefree smile,‘ among other lyrics. It looks like ‘You’ is a keyword in your songs. Who did you all think of when you were singing these lyrics?” 1

Shu: Our supporting fans, of course.

Momohito: That’s right. We’re idols, after all.

Eishin: Yeah. Idols are nothing without their fans.

Shu: But…
(For me, it’s not just about the fans. I was thinking of him when I was singing, too. I want him to hear me. I want our song to reach him.)

Eishin: …Shu?

Momohito: Ah! It’s Piichan! Good morning!

Eishin: We were just thinking of our answers to the magazine interview together.

Shu: We’ve been going down this list of questions.

Momohito: We were thinking of answering like, “Since we’re idols, the ‘you’ we’re referring to are our fans.”

Eishin: I agree with what Momohito said. The basic premise of idols is that they sing for their fans. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t be thinking of other people as well.

Shu & Momohito: Huh?

Momohito: Piichan, you think so, too?

Shu: “Singing from the heart means that you have something you want to convey”… I think you’re right.

Momohito: I see… When I’m singing, I think of our fans, but I think about Piichan, too. Piichan, you saw the potential in me. You’re precious to me, so I want you to smile. Even if it’s not a smile, I want to have a relationship with you where I can see all sorts of emotions conveyed on your face. I’ll work hard so that you’ll see lots of different emotions and strengths from me, too… So it’d make me happy if you didn’t abandon me.

…Ehehe, thank you, Piichan.

Shu: I had someone in mind, too. He’s someone I was thinking about while I was singing.

Eishin: I have someone as well.

Momohito: Really? You guys, too?

Shu: Yeah. He’s someone really important to me. I’m sure Eishin-senpai feels the same about whoever he’s thinking about.

Eishin: I do.

Shu: There’s no way our song isn’t the best with how much emotion we’ve put into it.

Momohito: Amamine-kun… Yeah, you’re right.

Eishin: Without a doubt. However, it’ll alienate our fans if we go into it too much for the interview. Not to mention, we shouldn’t risk prying into our private lives.

Shu & Momohito: Right. / Good point!

Momohito: Okay, I’ll jot down what we’ve talked about so far.

Eishin: (…When I think about “you”… My grandparents come to mind. They opposed me entering the entertainment business to the very last moment. They didn’t want me to fulfill someone else’s dream, they wanted to see me live for myself… I couldn’t grant their wish. I wish I could have seen them smile more.)

Shu: Wait, Momohito-senpai. Actually, could I change our answer?

Momohito: Change it? Which part?

Shu: Instead of just “fans”, I think we should talk about people all over the entire world who’ll get to know us and become our devoted fans soon enough.

Momohito: People all over the world?

Eishin: Heh… He’s onto something. Grabbing the whole world’s attention should be easy enough for us.

Momohito: You think so, too, Piichan? …Ehehe, it’s because you believe we have what it takes, right? I could do anything, as long as Piichan believes in me. It’s just like the song says… I think I could go anywhere. 2

Eishin: Yeah. We’ll prove to you, no matter what it takes, that you didn’t make a mistake scouting the three of us. …Leave it to us. 3

Shu: Umm… I won’t say anything embarrassing like my senpai just did, but I wanna be able to see an endless future together with you and my senpai. We can do it, I know we can. Right? 4

Momohito: Yeah. Together, with Piichan! Let’s capture the hearts of the entire world. Let’s see what the future has in store for the four of us!

1 The song lyrics being referenced here are both from “We’re the one”, specifically the lines あなたがいれば どこまでも行くよ/anata ga ireba doko made mo iku yo and 屈託のない あなたの 笑顔が見たい/kuttakunonai anata no egao ga mitai.

2 Momohito is quoting “We’re the one” again (as do Eishin and Shu; no lines from “Not Alone” were used, as far as I can tell), using a line from (1) but changing it to the potential form: どこまでも行ける/doko made mo ikeru/”I could go anywhere”.

3 Eishin is loosely quoting the line 僕にまかせて/boku ni makasete/”Leave it to me”.

4 Shu is quoting the line 扉の向こう 無限大の未来/tobira no mukou mugendai no mirai/”Beyond the door is an endless future” (he only talks about an endless future, but that is the full line).

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