Brilliant Shiny Star Jewel Live (English translation)

LIVE ON ST@GE! 2020/01/21 ~ 2020/01/29

Originally posted on 04/08/2021

Original T/L Notes:

All italicized words in Rui’s dialogue were in English in the original script.

“Jewel” and “gem”/”gemstone” are used interchangeably throughout. I believe there’s technically a difference, but for our purposes, they’re all the same thing.

All other one-off T/L notes are in the chapter footnotes as usual.

Event Preview

It’s been decided that Kei Tsuzuki, Hokuto Ijuuin, Teru Tendou, and Rui Maita will participate in a publicity concert for a gemstone manufacturing brand’s new line of jewelry.

After meeting with the manufacturers, the conversation leads to them visiting Tendou’s home. It’s a peaceful time spent in a calming space. In the midst of this, the topic of discussion turns to their school days…?

Let’s deliver a jewel-like brilliance to the audience through this live performance!

Chapter 1: Jewels and Jewelry

Gemstone Manufacturer Offices ・ After the Meeting…

Everyone: Thank you for today!

Kei: …
Jewelry… It has a resplendent and exciting sound to it, doesn’t it?

Teru: Yeah! I was nervous since I’m not too familiar with any of this, but it’s a relief that their explanations were so easy to understand.
Thanks to them I even get what the difference between jewels and jewelry is. This PR concert will be easy!

Rui: Jewels are gemstones, and jewelry is the accessories you make with gemstones or metals. That’s the general nuance between the two☆

Hokuto: That’s right. This manufacturer has brands of simple jewelry that use metal,
But the PR we’ll be doing this time is for a brand of theirs that uses jewels, too, not just metals.

Kei: Yes. I’ve heard that these products are popular with people of all ages.

Teru: It gets my blood pumping knowing they’re leaving the promotion of a beloved brand like that in our hands!

Rui: Yeah! And even better, the jewel-inspired costumes we’ll be wearing are wonderful!
It’s so cool how the designs even made us each look like different jewels!

Hokuto: And those will be the four main gems they’ll be using in their new jewelry. I’m honored for this opportunity.
Tendou-san is ruby, while I’m sapphire… And Tsuzuki-san is diamond, while Michael is emerald.

Kei: They’re all beautiful gems. I’d like to be able to properly convey that charm they have.

Teru: That charm…?

Kei: Before, when we traveled to Yamanashi for a poster photoshoot,1 we visited a museum that exhibited jewels and jewelry as well.
The gems I saw there were sparkling with such a light… It was almost as if they were resonating with the most beautiful music.

Hokuto: Beautiful music… That’s just the type of thing I’d expect to hear you say, Tsuzuki-san.
Now I want to see them before our concert, too.

Rui: Me too! It might be important for our live performance to get to know the charm of real jewels!♪

[The others nod in agreement]

Teru: …Hmm? What is it, Producer?
You’d thought of that already and asked them in advance to show us the products we’ll be promoting… Wait, really!?

Hokuto: Thank you. From a PR standpoint, I’d wanted to see the products for real and experience what’s appealing about them for myself.

Kei: I’ll be able to hear the gems’ sounds again. I’m looking forward to it.

Rui: I’m always excited for new experiences
Without further ado, let’s go to the jewelry!

To be continued…

1 This is referencing the 2018 LoS event, “Welcome to Yamanashi~315 special collaboration!~”.

Chapter 2: How To Convey That Special Shine

Gemstone Manufacturer・Offices

Hokuto: All of this jewelry is lovely. These ones… They’re made with sapphire, right?

Teru: If it were up to me, I’d definitely recommend the crystal jewelry!
Anything else would be crimineral! …Right!?

Hokuto: Haha, minerals are crystals, too, aren’t they. Though crystals themselves have a broad definition. 2

Rui: Yeah! Mister Tendou’s puns are humorous as always☆

Teru: Haha, thanks! Now that I’m looking at these up close, they pack more of a punch than I thought. You know, they’re all glittery and everything.

Kei: Yes. They’re something special, like they’re casting a spell in your heart… I get that feeling from looking at these.
I’ll admit I’m stealing those words from Soichiro-san, though.

Hokuto: Something special… I think you’re right. I want the audience to think of our concert like that, too.

Rui: I agree! I want to put on a special performance that’s perfect for promoting this new jewelry

Teru: Me too! …But how can we make it “special”?
I mean, I don’t know a lot about jewelry, so it’s hard for me to say…

Rui: Same with me. Do you have any ideas, Hokuto?
Out of all of us, I think Hokuto knows the most about jewelry.

Hokuto: …I suppose so. I did have to wear a lot of jewelry for photoshoots when I was a model…
But in the context of a live performance, nothing comes to mind immediately.
Still… I think since they were tailored in the image of jewels, I’d like to do something that brings out the brilliance of our costumes.

Kei: That’s right. The sounds I hear coming from the jewelry here are splendid and glittering…
This brilliance is probably one of the reasons I find them so special.

Teru: I see. Then we could make the choreography flashy or bold, something that’ll really get the audience’s attention…
No, that’s not good enough. This jewelry is subtle… We wouldn’t be able to convey that.

Rui: Hmm… I’m starting to understand the image we want. I want to keep coming up with a plan with everyone!

Teru: Is that so? If that’s the case, I’ve got the perfect place nearby in mind that we can move to.

Hokuto: The perfect place?

Teru: Yep. And that place is… my house!

To be continued…

2 Teru’s original pun is 水晶を推奨/suishou wo suishou/“recommend the quartz/rock crystals”.

Hokuto then says quartz/rock crystals (what Teru says in the pun) are crystals (クリスタル/crystal in katakana; what Teru says in his line before the pun), and that crystals themselves (クリスタル again) are… crystals (結晶/kesshou; this can mean both the scientific sense of a crystal lattice structure, or the process of crystallization).

Long T/L note short: there are nuances to the different ways “crystal” and etc are said that would be very redundant if I T/L’d literally into English, so I’ve taken a shortcut/creative liberty.

Chapter 3: A Warm Space

Teru Tendou’s HomeLiving Room

Rui: Hop, step, I’m here!☆ …Wow! So this is Mister Tendou’s house!

Hokuto: It’s very calming in here. We could definitely have a work meeting here.

Teru: Hehe, I’m glad you think so. I really like this place, too.
C’mon, take off your coats and relax.
I’ll go get some drinks so we can take a breather. You can sit anywhere you want.

Kei: Thank you, Teru-san. Then, shall we sit?

[Teru leaves and the others sit]

Kei: …Haha. This room is warm, just like Teru-san.

Rui: Mister Tendou used to be a lawyer, right? Does he have any books lying around from back then? Like, a law book or something!

[Teru returns]

Teru: Haha, lawyers and law books go hand-in-hand. I have some in my bedroom… If you’re interested, do you want to see them?

Kei: This is incredible. There’s nothing but law books.

Rui: As expected of Mister Tendou! A line up that suits a former lawyer

Hokuto: …Hmm? This one has a ton of sticky notes attached to it.

Teru: Oh, that’s one I used for lectures when I was still in school. I’d reread it so many times, doesn’t it look torn to shreds?

Rui: Ahaha, it does! But that’s just proof of how hard you’d studied
There are books over here that don’t look related to law.

Teru: Those are reference materials that I’ve needed to use. Unfortunately, there’s nothing about gems, though.
There’s a lot you need to learn when you’re studying to be a lawyer, so I ended up having to read a lot of different books back then.

Kei: …You were… studious… and an avid reader. That’s… admirable…

[Kei starts dozing off]

Rui: Oh! Are you alright? I guess this room was so warm we got a little too relaxed?

Hokuto: It seems so. Tsuzuki-san looks like he’ll pass out at any moment.

Teru: Haha! I’m glad you guys feel comfortable here, but besides our meeting, we haven’t even had dinner yet.
We’ve gotta get to cooking before Tsuzuki-san falls asleep!

To be continued…

Chapter 4: Unraveling Memories

Teru Tendou’s HomeLiving Room

Hokuto: Thank you for the meal, Tendou-san. It was delicious.

Kei: Yes, it was so fun talking to everyone that I think I ate more than usual. Even the water was delicious.

Rui: That was so fun☆I think we got to know more about each other for our live performance♪
Like how Mister Tendou showed us his bookshelves earlier!

Hokuto: I agree. They say what you put on your bookshelves reflects who you are as a person. It was interesting seeing all of the books he had.

Teru: I’m glad you think so! Do you read a lot yourself, Hokuto?

Hokuto: I do. I’m more or less a student too, after all.

Kei: Hokuto-san, you go back and forth between university and idol work, don’t you?

Hokuto: I manage to, at the very least. I wouldn’t be able to if it weren’t for the friends I have who help me out by taking notes for me.

Teru: Woah, you must be popular if you’ve got friends like that!

Hokuto: I’m just lucky to be around some good people. Besides, there’s no one quite like Michael.

Teru: “Michael”? Why would Rui…
Oh, that’s right! You guys went to the same university, didn’t you?

Rui: That’s right! We both joined the same tennis club. Right, Hokuto!

Hokuto: Yeah. I have a lot of memories with Michael from back then.
Like when it was Valentine’s Day and he got more chocolate than I did… I challenged him to a tennis match after that.

Rui: Wow! That brings me back! It really surprised me at the time! I never thought Hokuto would challenge me to a battle

Kei: I see, you’ve been close for a while, then.

Hokuto: Yes. Back then, Michael was a good rival… And a good friend. He still is now, of course.

Rui: Yeah! All of the memories I have of spending time in the club with Hokuto are so good
Speaking of which, what were your school days like, Mister Tendou and Mister Tsuzuki?

To be continued…

Chapter 5: What Glitters and Shines

Teru Tendou’s HomeLiving Room

Kei: Hmm… I don’t remember much from when I was a student.

Rui: Oh… That’s a shame. You’re as mysterious as ever, Mister Tsuzuki!

Teru: Yeah, that’s Tsuzuki-san for you.

Kei: Really? …Oh, but…
Perhaps there’s something from my past that’s connected to the music that I make now.

Hokuto: You’re probably right about that. Tsuzuki-san’s music isn’t just beautiful on a surface level, there’s something profound and rich about it.

Kei: Thank you. That makes me happy coming from you, Hokuto-san.

Rui: Then what about you, Mister Tendou?
You’re always so good at talking to people, I’ll bet you were popular in school, right?

Teru: Haha, I don’t know about that. I’m not sure if you’d call it “popular”, but…
Back then, people would ask me to tutor them so often that I was in a lot of study groups.
It was fun studying with so many people!

Hokuto: You’ve been a caring person from the beginning, Tendou-san. Did you participate in a lot of school events, too?

Teru: I’d say so. I was pretty involved!
Sometimes things could get tough, of course, but they’re all fond memories now.

Kei: I’m sure the tough times were still worthwhile, though. I can tell that from the sound of your voice.

Rui: Your past experiences can prove to be useful in situations where you wouldn’t expect them to be. That’s why even hard memories aren’t so bad☆

Hokuto: That’s right. Besides… Even the most mundane parts of your daily life seem dazzling when you look back on them.
That’s how I feel about my memories of Michael.

Rui: Yeah! But from my point of view, Hokuto seems dazzling every single day☆

Hokuto: Ahaha. I’m sure that’s thanks to Producer and the Little Angels. They’re the ones who make me shine as an idol.

Teru: It’s thanks to Producer and our fans… That’s right. Thanks to everyone, I’m shining, too! We’ve gotta do what we can to repay them for their support.

[Everyone nods in agreement]

Kei: …
…Ah, I just remembered something.

To be continued…

Chapter 6: The Similarities Between Idols and Jewels

Teru Tendou’s HomeLiving Room

Rui: What did you remember?

Kei: Something that Soichirou-san said when we went to the museum in Yamanashi.
Jewels start out rough and only start to shine when they’re polished by others… It’s the same for idols.

Teru: Jewels and idols are the same… When you say it like that, I’ve got to agree.

Kei: It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Polishing something until it shines… It’s like music as well.
Jewels don’t seem to have much to do with idols at a glance… But there must be similarities, right?

Teru: That’s right! If both of them shine by themselves, won’t they shine even more when we put them together?

Hokuto: Put them together?

Teru: Yeah! We’ll perform as the jewels themselves!

Rui: Nice idea! Two lights shine brighter than one!

Hokuto: I see. This is how we’ll pull off the special performance we’re aiming for…
I think we’ll be able to express the charms of the new line of jewelry this way.

Rui: Ok then, how about we each be the jewels they designed our costumes as?
For instance, since I’m emerald, I’ll be sparkly green and… Strike a pose, like this!

Kei: I like that. I think that posing mindset will inspire ideas that complement our costumes.

Hokuto: Yeah, I agree with Tsuzuki-san. This came to mind while looking at Michael just now, but…
How about we incorporate monologues into our MC segment that fit the image of each of our jewels, too?
If we reference jewel meanings in what we say, I have a feeling we’ll come up with something that the Little Angels will really enjoy.

Teru: Oh, that sounds good! If we combine posing and our lines, we’ll have individuality between the four of us, too!

Kei: Yes. The more our individuality stands out, the more special our performance will be.
I think I have an idea of what I’ll do.

Rui: Oh! You too, Mister Tsuzuki? Let’s share our ideas☆

Teru: Yeah! …Alright. Let’s make this the best performance they’ve ever seen!

To be continued…

Chapter 7: Each Jewel’s Message

The Day of the Concert…

Teru: Welcome again to the concert! Is everyone having a good time? It’s time for our MC segment!

Hokuto: We’ve worked hard to show off the charm of this new jewelry since the beginning, but right now I’d like for everyone to take a look at our outfits tonight.

Kei: Gemstones that match our image and are featured in the new jewelry… These costumes were made with that jewel motif in mind.
There’s a melody glimmering like a jewel in my heart. Can you all hear it as well?

Rui: Great! I think they hear it plenty. Everyone’s shiny smiles hold their own against these outfits♪
But… Let’s make those smiles even shinier☆ Isn’t that right, Mister Tendou!

Teru: You know it. After all, the four of us spent some time discussing how we would convey the brilliance of these jewels!

Hokuto: Here’s a surprise segment where we show you what we came up with. First up is Michael. Would you do us the honors?

Rui: Ok! Bring on the green spotlight!

Rui: I’ll be showing everyone the appeal of emerald! Boys & girls, keep your eyes on me, ok?☆
Doesn’t it fill your heart with happiness when you look at this emerald green light?
I hope I’ll always be able to stay by your side so that everyone’s days are joyful and hopeful♪ We’ll be together forever☆ 3

Hokuto: Next up, I’ll show all of the Little Angels the brilliance of sapphire.
Sapphires symbolize integrity, affection, and sincerity… Did you know that?
I’ll embrace you with my soothing love, as deep as the deepest blue.

Kei: Do you know which jewel I am?
It doesn’t just shine beautifully; it also has the strength to be unbreakable… Yes, it’s a diamond.
Diamonds mark an eternal bond with someone. That’s why I, too… I, too, will form a bond with everyone here.
My emotions will become a melody that shines like a diamond… I hope it will resonate within all of your hearts.

Teru: Did their words touch your hearts? The use of the spotlight colors for everyone is the greatest, too, isn’t it!
Alright, last but not least, I’m up!

To be continued…

3 Rui doesn’t outright state what emerald symbolizes like the others do with their gems, but some meanings are: stability, clarity, satisfaction, and happiness (taken from this site).

Chapter 8: Polish One Another, Shine With One Another

Live Stage

Teru: I’ll be showing everyone the brilliance of ruby.
The radiance of its blazing passion… Seeing it gives you courage, doesn’t it? 4
I’m gonna be as radiant as this ruby! So that’s why…
So that’s why, when you’re feeling down, just think of me! I’ll encourage everyone with all I’ve got!

Hokuto: What did you think of our surprise segment? I’d be happy if you learned even a little bit about the gems used in the new jewelry line.

Rui: Each of these jewels has its own beautiful charm. But, when you put them all together, they give off an even more radiant shine!

Kei: It’s the same for us. Now, when you put us all together, we’ll be able to put on an even more brilliant performance.
Please look forward to the second half of the concert.

Rui: !
Wow! Everyone’s penlights are so shiny! I can feel the emotions packed in them from over here. Thank you!

Teru: (…Everyone’s penlights look like brilliant jewels.)
(That light is illuminating us as we stand on stage. Hehe, we’re not gonna lose to that!)
Alright! Let’s keep our energy up for the second half!

After the Concert…

Teru: You guys all got your glasses? Ok then, to the success of the concert…

Everyone: Cheers!

Rui: Even though it’s the first time the four of us have been in a live concert together, it’s been so good!
The fans seemed to like it a lot, too☆

Hokuto: The gemstone manufacturers were pleased, too.

Teru: Yeah. They even invited us to celebrate in this fancy affiliation restaurant as thanks for everything.
I’m glad things went well. It was worth all of the planning we did!

Kei: I agree. I think having had a good concert was a reflection of our hard effort and the feelings we put into it.

Hokuto: What is it, Tsuzuki-san?

Kei: Ah, it’s nothing. It’s just… I just thought the scenery outside looked a bit like an array of jewels.

Teru: Oh, you’re right. This restaurant is known for its view of the skyline, after all!

Rui: Yes! It kind of reminds me of the penlights that the fans were waving for us.

Teru: Those lights were beautiful! It’s like I could sense all of the fans’ support for us just from seeing them.

Hokuto: I felt the same. When you look at scenery like that, it gives you strength… It’s the feeling that we’ve got to work hard for their sake.

Kei: Yes. In order to answer to our fans’ and Producer-san’s feelings… I want to shine even more brilliantly.

Rui: We can do it! After all, we’ve got plenty of friends around to help polish each other☆

Hokuto: Ahaha, you’re right. So that we don’t forget these feelings… Let’s keep on improving ourselves as idols. 5

Teru: Yeah! We’ll definitely be top idols someday… Let’s keep on improving until then!


4 Some ruby meanings: courage, dignity, passion, the flames of love. (x) (x)

5 The word for “to polish” that’s used throughout is 磨く/migaku, which can also simply mean “to improve” or “to refine”. The two being interchangeable and used both for objects and people is, for obvious reasons, a theme of this event. Just my personal conjecture, but in this particular instance, Rui is using the literal “polish” meaning, calling back to the concert and the “idols are like jewels” motif, but Hokuto responds with the second meaning (they’re using the same verb).

【Brilliance Of Unclouded Treasure】 Kei Tsuzuki

The setting sun is shining as if it’s burning. Jewels and the sea of penlights at a concert do as well… Those that shine resonate with a glorious sound. I’d like to listen to this sound for just a bit longer.

Diamonds have a brilliance that make you feel their strength and beauty. It’s possible… that you could say the same of music. If that’s the case, I’ll try to express that brilliance through singing and posing.

【Brilliance Of Blue Affection】 Hokuto Ijuuin

The members of Jupiter meet up at Touma’s house a lot, so it’s refreshing to visit someone else for a change. The faint aroma of coffee wafting in the air… It gives you a glimpse of what Tendou-san’s wonderful daily routine is like.

Sapphire’s beauty isn’t just about its looks; what it symbolizes is beautiful, too. A heart full of affection hidden in this blue color… I’ll deliver that to my Little Angels.

【Brilliance Of Red That Passionately Burns】 Teru Tendou

Even though I’m the one who suggested it, I can’t believe my house became the meeting place for our concert planning. Since the atmosphere feels different from usual, I have a hunch we’ll come up with some interesting ideas!

Jewels and idols can shine because they’re nurtured by someone else. And from that brilliance, we can make someone else smile! I’ll light the flames of passion in everyone’s hearts with my brilliance!

【Brilliance Of Green That Sings Of Joy】 Rui Maita

This law book is really heavy! Does it feel heavier because it’s packed full of Mister Tendou’s history? Thank you for showing me something that’s so important to you☆

All of the things emerald symbolizes are so happy! We’re gonna shine with all we’ve got so that we can deliver happiness to everyone! Let’s be happy together☆

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