Rui Maita Idol Episode Ch. 1 – Room Show Time☆ (English Translation)

Happy birthday, Rui! Happy’s Birthday! I love you more than anything.

Summary: A look into Rui’s bedroom is to be broadcast on a television program. Producer suggests that he declutter beforehand, but a particular reason changes their mind…

Rui’s English dialogue is italicized.

Episode 01

Rui: How are you doing, Producer-chan! Here, I brought you a souvenir♪

Producer: A souvenir? Did you go somewhere?

Rui: Nope! I just happened to drop by the department store while they had an exhibition going on.

The stuff they were selling looked yummy, so I bought some. Take a break and try some of it with me♪

Producer: Sounds good! Perfect timing, I actually had something I wanted to talk to you about.

Rui: Great! Like they say, killing two birds with one stone☆

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Brilliant Shiny Star Jewel Live (English translation)

LIVE ON ST@GE! 2020/01/21 ~ 2020/01/29

Originally posted on 04/08/2021

Original T/L Notes:

All italicized words in Rui’s dialogue were in English in the original script.

“Jewel” and “gem”/”gemstone” are used interchangeably throughout. I believe there’s technically a difference, but for our purposes, they’re all the same thing.

All other one-off T/L notes are in the chapter footnotes as usual.

Event Preview

It’s been decided that Kei Tsuzuki, Hokuto Ijuuin, Teru Tendou, and Rui Maita will participate in a publicity concert for a gemstone manufacturing brand’s new line of jewelry.

After meeting with the manufacturers, the conversation leads to them visiting Tendou’s home. It’s a peaceful time spent in a calming space. In the midst of this, the topic of discussion turns to their school days…?

Let’s deliver a jewel-like brilliance to the audience through this live performance!

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