Rui Maita Idol Episode Ch. 1 – Room Show Time☆ (English Translation)

Happy birthday, Rui! Happy’s Birthday! I love you more than anything.

Summary: A look into Rui’s bedroom is to be broadcast on a television program. Producer suggests that he declutter beforehand, but a particular reason changes their mind…

Rui’s English dialogue is italicized.

Episode 01

Rui: How are you doing, Producer-chan! Here, I brought you a souvenir♪

Producer: A souvenir? Did you go somewhere?

Rui: Nope! I just happened to drop by the department store while they had an exhibition going on.

The stuff they were selling looked yummy, so I bought some. Take a break and try some of it with me♪

Producer: Sounds good! Perfect timing, I actually had something I wanted to talk to you about.

Rui: Great! Like they say, killing two birds with one stone☆

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THE IDOLM@STER SideM 6thLIVE TOUR ~NEXT DESTIN@TION!~ Side HOKKAIDO Pamphlet: Tomohito Takatsuka Interview

Happy birthday, Minori! A very short translation to celebrate the big day (totally NOT for 6th Live Hokkaido finally happening like it originally was supposed to be before I changed my mind, definitely not). I actually found this in January in a folder of miscellaneous translations on my computer. I had written it up in August of last year before the postponement and I barely have any recollection of doing so. Figured I’d wait until it was more timely to post.

No pictures except for his signature and the handwritten message. And in true Takatsuka fashion, the printed interview retains his excessive exclamation points. I love this funny guy.

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Brilliant Shiny Star Jewel Live (English translation)

LIVE ON ST@GE! 2020/01/21 ~ 2020/01/29

Originally posted on 04/08/2021

Original T/L Notes:

All italicized words in Rui’s dialogue were in English in the original script.

“Jewel” and “gem”/”gemstone” are used interchangeably throughout. I believe there’s technically a difference, but for our purposes, they’re all the same thing.

All other one-off T/L notes are in the chapter footnotes as usual.

Event Preview

It’s been decided that Kei Tsuzuki, Hokuto Ijuuin, Teru Tendou, and Rui Maita will participate in a publicity concert for a gemstone manufacturing brand’s new line of jewelry.

After meeting with the manufacturers, the conversation leads to them visiting Tendou’s home. It’s a peaceful time spent in a calming space. In the midst of this, the topic of discussion turns to their school days…?

Let’s deliver a jewel-like brilliance to the audience through this live performance!

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GROWING SIGN@L 02 C.FIRST Drama CD (English translation)

Yeah, 6th Live Tokyo converted me into full C.FIRST-Pism. I didn’t realize this was already translated until I was, like, 3/4 of the way done so I’m just finishing it and posting it anyways. I’ve been thinking about this CD ever since I first listened to it on release day so at the very least it was nice revisiting it as I typed everything out!

Drama part 1

Shu: Hah…

Staff: That’s a wrap, Amamine-san!

Shu: Right, thank you so much!
Thank you for your hard work today.

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Make A Wish Star Festival (English translation)

願いを込めるStar Festival
SideM Mobage 2021/07/08 ~ 2021/07/14

Originally posted on 07/15/2021

Original T/L Notes:

If there’s anything cultural you don’t understand in this event story, I’d recommend giving the Tanabata wiki page a quick read!

And happy (almost) 7th anniversary to SideM. I like this series a normal amount.

Event Preview

A job offer to star in a commercial promoting Tanabata has come in for Jupiter and Mofumofuen.
This time, it’s also the idols’ job to help with preparing and setting up the Tanabata decorations to be used for the CM filming, the process of which will be shown as making-of footage.

The idols enjoy making the decorations for Tanabata and hanging them up while showing each other the ropes.
The wishes on the tanzaku vary between each member, from those who boast of wanting nothing but to be a top idol, to those who have a lot to wish for and write multiple tanzaku.
Meanwhile, Hokuto, who thinks it would be interesting to write about overcoming a weakness after hearing about it from a certain member, begins writing his wish.

A CM shoot with everyone’s wishes kept in their hearts begins!
Let’s film a CM full of Tanabata charm!

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Shining Night Serenade☆ (English translation)

SideM Mobage 2021/11/24 ~ 2021/11/30

Event Preview

Jupiter and Altessimo are to put on a live performance at a promotional event in Yokohama.
This time, it’ll be an outdoor event using a street piano.
They’ll also have the opportunity to enjoy some sightseeing in Yokohama the day before the performance.

Back at the office, Altessimo receives an explanation for the job they’ll be doing.
They’ll need one person to play the piano accompaniment, and Altessimo is told that either Tsuzuki or Hokuto will be asked to perform.
Meanwhile, Jupiter is told about the same stipulation.
Touma and Shouta want him to give it a try, but it seems Hokuto has reservations about answering right away…

A live performance rich in color, matching the vivid tone of the piano, is about to begin!
On a stage surrounded by the beautiful illumination lights, let’s create a wonderful concert that’s sure to warm the audience’s hearts!

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